Inoculation is to introduce microorganisms, vaccines, or sera by inoculation. You know this because, thanks to the coronavirus, inoculation is currently on trend. In vogue. Hip. Not since frosted tips and razor scooters has such a trend dominated the entire globe. But, as you have deduced correctly, coffee does not have coronavirus, so what does […]

Summer Singles

We’re starting off the new year with some damn good coffees! Papua New Guinea | Amakai Honey Natural From the volcanic soil at foothills of he Kubor Range in Papua New Guinea comes this hand-picked and sun-dried coffee using only the ripest cherries. This coffee combines the best of juicy, sweet, citrus and complex dark […]

What is the difference between mainstream and specialty coffee?

Specialty coffee has definitely been gaining more attention in the last few years, and for good reason. Similar to wine, we are now being educated in where the coffee is grown and the processes behind the beans. With this education we are able to produce amazing coffee. So just what is the difference between normal […]

Tips for Cupping like a Pro

Have you ever wondered what people were doing when they spoon out a bit of coffee from a bowl and slurp it? Have you ever questioned why they do it? Is it really necessary to make such loud and funny noises? Never fear; we are here to give you tips for cupping like a coffee […]

What are Green Coffee Beans?

Ok, so this is pretty simple. Green coffee beans are pretty self-explanatory, so welcome to the shortest blog post we’ll ever do. Coffee that we drink at cafes and at home, are ground up forms of a coffee bean. Those coffee beans originally grow on trees inside little cherry-like fruits. When those little beans are […]